Lead sources

Extract Sales Navigator search results

Extract people from a sales navigator search

Extract Linkedin post likers

Extract the users who have liked on a LinkedIn post

Extract Linkedin post commenters

Extract the users who have commented a LinkedIn post

Extract Linkedin event attendees

Extract the attendees of any LinkedIn event

Single search

Extract all of the profile info from a LI profile URL

Import leads from Apollo

Import leads directly from a search from Apollo

Find people

Filter and find millions of leads by companies, location, industries and more

Import from a csv

Import leads from an existing spreadsheet


Find verified professional email

Find a verified professional email from the best email finders

Find phone number

Find phone numbers from the best providers

Verify email deliverability with Debounce

Verify any professional email address to check for deliverability

Verify email deliverability with BounceBan

Verify any professional email address to check for deliverability

Find a company domain with Google

Generate a domain from a company name with Google

Find a linkedin company URL with Google

Find a linkedin company URL with google

Find a linkedin profile URL with Google

Find a linkedin profile URL from a first name and a last name

Chat GPT custom prompt

Create a custom ChatGPT prompt with dyamic data

Standardize job titles with AI

Standardize job titles with the help of AI to clean irrelevant parts of a job title.

Normalize Company Name

Remove anything unnecessary in a Company name (LLC, LTD, SAS, SA...)

B2B or B2C?

Infer if a company is B2B, B2C, or both


Infer if a company is a Saas

Get Linkedin profile information

Get profile information (first name, last name, company name, job title..) from a linkedin URL

Get Linkedin company data

Fetch company's data information (Domain, Industry, company size, employee count location..) from a Linkedin company URL

Scrape a website

Scrape the entire text content of a website using Zenrows

Find company technologies

Find the technologies used by a company

Find & Replace Job titles

Find and replace the job title(s) by selecting the one(s) to be replaced and entering a new value.

Find & Replace Company names

Find and replace words by what you would like to have instead.

Bulk apply domain to company

Find a company and apply a domain to it

Map job titles to persona

Segment your leads by categorizing them based on their job titles

Capitalize First Name

Capitalize a prospect's first name

Capitalize Last Name

Capitalize a prospect's last name

Guess gender

Determine the gender of a lead

Let's get started!

Experience the new standard in lead generation

Let's get started!

Experience the new standard in lead generation

Let's get started!

Experience the new standard in lead generation